Mest av alt lager vi skreddersydde løsninger med utgangspunkt i kundens behov. Det er naturlig at det er kunden selv som administrerer og oppdaterer, men vi tar gjerne jobben som din webmaster og/eller webredaktør. Vi behersker både Windows og Mac. Trollmedia.pt leverer også gjerne løsninger som tar utgangspunkt i en Open Source (Åpen kildekode) løsning, og tilpasser disse til kundens behov.
Vi foretrekker enkle websider som setter budskapet og firmaets profil i fokus. Se gjerne referanselisten.
Welcome to TROLL Media
TROLL media offers tailor-made websites and online stores for small and medium-sized businesses and associations. We have been doing this since 1996 in Denmark – and from 2001, in Oslo – and per. May 2013 we have moved to Portugal.
Most of all, we create customized solutions based on the customer’s needs. Of course, it is the customer who manages and updates himself, but we are happy to take the job as your webmaster and / or web editor. We control both Windows and Mac. Trollmedia.pt also provides solutions that are based on an Open Source solution, and adapt these to the customer’s needs.
We prefer simple websites that focus on the message and company profile. Please refer to the reference list.
Latest posts from the blog
5 years with Soraya
Thursday 20th of February it was 5 years since we started our long term photo project. We was at a nice beach north of Nazaré. Is it a never ending story? READ MORE
Model: Valentina Petruk
Model: Valentina Petruk Event: Veneza MUA: Anabela Vieira Makeup Artist Location: Aveiro, Portugal READ MORE
Model: Tatiana Teixeira
Model: Tatiana Teixeira Event: Veneza MUA: Anabela Vieira Makeup Artist Location: Aveiro, Portugal READ MORE
Model: Bianca Ribeiro
Model: Bianca Ribeiro Event: Veneza MUA: Anabela Vieira Makeup Artist Location: Aveiro, Portugal READ MORE
Model: Alina Nozhka
Model: Alina Nozhka Event: Veneza MUA: Anabela Vieira Makeup Artist Location: Aveiro, Portugal READ MORE
Model: Sara Luna
Model: Sara Luna Event: Veneza MUA: Anabela Vieira Makeup Artist Location: Aveiro, Portugal READ MORE
Bryllup i Lisboa, Portugal i 2025?
Hvis du har mulighet for å gifte deg i Lisboa, – er det noe som kan anbefales. Fra mars til oktober er det nydelig vær og temperatur for å samle gjester i Lisboa... READ MORE