Med lyntog fra Malaga til Madrid
Etter endt rundtur og workshop i Portugal, – som endte i Gibraltar, så har jeg mellomlandet i Madrid. Lyntog fra Malaga i 300km/t. Turen går videre med nattog til Coimbra.
Nazaré February 28th
I was in Nazaré in the lovely afternoon of the last day in February.
Cinderella concert at CCC Caldas
Collection of videos from the concert All videos at YouTube:
GoPro Hero3+ for TimeLapse
Test 2 with GoPro Hero3+. This time for TimeLapse.
GoPro Hero3+ in rain and wind (tourist video)
Tested my GoPro Hero3+ in conditions where you normally hide your camera from weather. This is also my first video test with the camera. Music by
Bryllups-foto/-video WorkShop i Portugal
Jeg arrangerer bryllups-foto/-video WorkShop 10.-15. mars 2014 (uke 11). 3 foredragsholdere á 1,5-2 dager – frokost og lunch inkludert. Kursholdere Michal Tomaszewicz – Hans Otto Nesbø – Kenneth Linge Dette har du ikke lyst til å gå glipp av! Meld … Continued
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