Sunsets and train tracks
Sunsets and train tracks can be a good starting point for photography. When the model also has its ideas that fit this starting point, then it can be good. What do you think..?
Sunsets and train tracks can be a good starting point for photography. When the model also has its ideas that fit this starting point, then it can be good. What do you think..?
I was this weekend in Lisbon, joining some photographers and models. It was a event; “Fake to the make” by “Fine Photo Events”. Theme for the event was urban colors. Different from what I’m used to – but nice with … Continued
Photographers may see things different from other people. We find locations, but sometimes it is something with the light that could be better. Then the search for the right moment starts. I think every location have their peak time for … Continued
We have come to a new year – 2022 – and I wish all my followers a happy new year. If you do not exactly bathe in red wine, and live a rosy life, then I hope and recommend that … Continued
We was again in our new location, this time in the middle of the day. With many ideas, – and to little time. We have to go there again. Story continue..
Finding good locations for photo’s can be a challenge some times. And when you find it, it also have to be the right timing. We found a good location, but was to late for the good light. Light changes a … Continued
Some times can enjoy a photographer workshop give new impulses to my creativity, and work with new people – photographers and models. Here is samples from one of this workshops in Lisbon short time ago, called “Life in a Frame”. … Continued
You can find beautiful mermaids everywhere – and I find one in a small river in Centro Portugal. If you follow me, I think you will see more mermaids coming..
Sometimes you feel like doing something unexpected and untraditional. Such as putting a bride into the water.
September is more peaceful, and still warm enough for outdoor photography. Also, it is more private in the most popular places, like this little beach by a small river in the center of Portugal. IG @roywilliam59